

Lidar Technology Companies

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Some essential benefits of bathymetric lidar

Bathymetric lidar simultaneously measures and records land, water, and submerged land using light (laser) based airborne sensors. It is widely used mapping for various purposes and has become one of the easy and convenient methods for everyone. The bathymetric lidar technology involves using blue or green lasers to find accurate geological data of certain places. It can be used to create a three-dimensional model of the whole area, which is used for different applications. Shoreline and coastline intelligence, floodplain modeling, and infrastructure planning are some of the primary uses of this lidar system. Disaster management teams also use it to monitor the water bodies to prevent the risks of certain natural disasters. Apart from all these, lidar technology is the best cost-effective and time-saving method to conduct the survey. This blog here will help you understand all about the bathymetric lidar system.

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